A little Tip: Plastic Bags

How do I keep my jewelry from becoming a complete and total tangled mess? I am sure almost every one of us has thought this question once or twice, most likely as you are struggling to unknot your favorite necklace after throwing it into a travel case for that big trip. It can be a nightmare, especially if multiple pieces are a part of that tangle.

One simple way to avoid this disaster is to store your pieces in tiny individual plastic bags, that way they do not have the freedom to move around and cause stress.  We ship all of our necklaces and bracelets in their own plastic bag, we recommend you keep those for home storage. Making it easy to wear your pieces and when you’re done simply return them to the bag, but be sure to leave a little bit out (the extender is perfect) to provide an anchor. If you pick up a piece from our kiosk location, or at a show, ask for a bag before you head out, it will save you and your jewelry a headache!  


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